Friday, September 2, 2011

Tactical Wars Beta v0.90 on Late September/Early October

The latest version of the maps is coming out soon probably in one month time. Having exams for 3 weeks so will not be able to update the map at the moment. Right now here are the list of upcoming updates that may appear in the version 0.90:
1)Marines: Forcefield abilities that use mana to absorb damage.
2)Undead: Nerf in Animate Dead but buff in Plague ability.
3)Demonic Horde: Rain of Fire no longer channeling. New ability called Mana Rift that grants mana regeneration to nearby units.
4)Trigger fixing, cleaning and rearrangement.
5)New units and unit reworks.
6)New upgrades.

This is all for now. I'll be back in one month's time with the new version(hopefully). Signing out.